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Launching Ceremony of the 5th Youth Supporters of the Korea-Africa Foundation

관리자 / 2023-02-22 오후 2:28:00 / 791
Launching Ceremony of the 5th Youth Supporters of the Korea-Africa Foundation

The Korea-Africa Foundation held a Launching Ceremony along with an orientation session on Wednesday, February 22, 2023, at the Diplomatic Center Building. Based on their creative perspectives, the 5th Youth Supporters are expected to undertake various activities including contents-creation related to Africa for 9 months, from March to November.
Launching Ceremony for the 5th Youth Supporters of the Korea-Africa Foundation 1

Launching Ceremony for the 5th Youth Supporters of the Korea-Africa Foundation 2

Launching Ceremony for the 5th Youth Supporters of the Korea-Africa Foundation 3

Launching Ceremony for the 5th Youth Supporters of the Korea-Africa Foundation 4
ADDRESS4th Floor, Diplomatic Center Bldg, 2558 Nambusunhwan-ro, Seocho-gu,
Seoul 06750, Korea

TEL+82-(0)2-722-4700 FAX+82-(0)2-722-4900 E-MAILkaf@k-af.or.kr
Copyright ⓒ 2018 The Korea-Africa Foundation
All right reserved.

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