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The 5th Seoul Dialogue on Africa

관리자 / 2022-12-14 오후 3:01:00 / 1089

The 5th Seoul Dialogue on Africa

On Wednesday, December 14, 2022, the Korea-Africa Foundation and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs joint hosted the '5th Seoul Dialogue on Africa' in a success. With the topic of "Resilience and Leap Forward: Four Key Strategic Areas for a Post-Crisis era", the discussion was about the outcome and challenge of Africa and Korea's current state with cooperation measures in the areas of fintech and platform economy, green energy, health and medical sector, and infrastructure, which have achieved advancement through quick response to the COVID-19 pandemic era.

- Date & time: Wednesday, December 14, 2022, 10:00~18:00

- Location: Crystal Ball Room, Lotte Hotel, Seoul (2F)

- Topic: Resilience and Leap Forward: Four Key Strategic Areas for a Post-Crisis era

- Download Presentation Materials: http://m.site.naver.com/13ppb

President Lyeo presenting at the 5th Seoul Dialogue on Africa

Group Photo at the 5th Seoul Dialogue on Africa

ADDRESS4th Floor, Diplomatic Center Bldg, 2558 Nambusunhwan-ro, Seocho-gu,
Seoul 06750, Korea

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