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Interview with LE MANAGER

관리자 / 2022-12-22 오전 10:10:00 / 1087
Interview with LE MANAGER

Jae-hoon Lim, Vice President of the Korea-Africa Foundation, interviewed with the Tunisian media company Le Manager on November 5 to sharing opinions about the "Korea-Africa Global Startup Idea Contest," which marks its fourth year. Please find the articles from the link below.

"Start Up! Boost Up! Camp in Tunisia" held from November 2nd to 6th as part of the 2022 Global Startup Idea Contest program, one of the signature project of the Korea-Africa Foundation. Notable features of this year's competition include △ discovering ideas that can be applied to the global market beyond the  African market,   giving additional points to ideas related to ESG management, △ and providing networking opportunities between Korea, Tunisia, and African startups. During the Startup! Boost Up! Camp, 10 Korean startups and 14 Tunisian and African startups had a valuable time to explore the possibility of future collaboration between Korean and African startups.

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