Attending "Art Walks in Africa" seminar at the African Art Museum of Yeongwol
관리자 / 2021-10-09 오후 5:51:00 / 846Attending "Art Walks in Africa" seminar at the
African Art Museum of Yeongwol
"Art Walks in Africa" seminar was held with presentations and discussions by the director
for Planning & Coordination Bureau of the Korea-Africa Foundation, Lee Jong-gil, the director of the Yeongwol African Art Museum,
Cho Myung-haeng, the president of Africa Insight, Choi Dong-hwan, the former
ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Tanzania, Song Geum-young, the director of
the African Museum of Art, Jeong Hae-kwang and the director of the Institute for
Euro African Studies (IEAS) of Hanyang University, Kim Seong-su on Saturday, October 9, 2021.