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Korea-Sudan Business Seminar

관리자 / 2021-09-30 오후 5:39:00 / 830

Korea-Sudan Business Seminar

The Korea-Africa Foundation and KOTRA co-hosted the Korea-Sudan business Seminar on Thursday, September 30 through Youtube. This business seminar was held with the visit of Al-Hadi Mohammed Ibrahim, Minister of Investment and International Cooperation, and Ibrahim Al-Sheik, Minister of Industry of Sudan, to Korea. The seminar was designed to arouse korean companies' interest in Sudan's business environment and to help them establish strategies for entering the Sudanese market.

Korea-Sudan business seminar is available in the foundation's YouTube channel
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줌(ZOOM)으로 한-수단 비즈니스 세미나에 참여한 수단 카르툼 KOTRA 김재우 무역관장, 주수단 대사관 이상정 대사, GMC 반용우 CEO수단산업부 장관 이브라힘 알시크

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