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Korea-Africa Youth Ideathon

관리자 / 2021-11-19 오후 3:43:00 / 4569

Korea-Africa Youth Ideathon


“Korea-Africa Youth Ideathon” is held to provide opportunities for mutual exchange, joint ideas derivation between Korea-Africa Youths.


Date: 8 Dec 2021(Wed) 12:30-19:00

Venue: Diamond Hall (22F), The Plaza Hotel, Seoul

Participants: 8 teams of Korean and African Youths 

Host: The Korea-Africa Foundation 

Qualification: Korean and African Youths who have creative ideas

Contact: 02-722-4209 shmin21@k-af.or.kr


* Please wear a mask when entering the venue and cooperate in checking the temperature and signing the entry list.

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ADDRESS4th Floor, Diplomatic Center Bldg, 2558 Nambusunhwan-ro, Seocho-gu,
Seoul 06750, Korea

TEL+82-(0)2-722-4700 FAX+82-(0)2-722-4900 E-MAILkaf@k-af.or.kr
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